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ITT: We post stories

ID:BZdUhIMT No.4236125 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This uneventful winter reminds me of something that happened in freshman year of highschool, at about the same date only some years ago

>be me 15yo freshman
>in class front row seat parallel to where the assignment papers were situated (important later)
>how it worked is that you came up to the desk and grabbed it yourself not in a line but instead girls all at once then boys all at once (also important later)
>because of this clusters of people formed in front of my desk
>girls come pouring in
>most of the girls have the paper by this point except a few
>most notably a girl we’ll call Polska
>her family was all Polish immigrants
>unimportant so back to the story
>Polska was wearing yoga pants at the time
>fortunately short enough to unsuspiciously get a look at dat ass
>because of the time of day and the time of year the light came in at a perfect angle through the windows
>the angle was such that it reflected off of her yoga pants making her panties easily visible from where I was sitting similarly to pic related
>popped a boner
>waddle out of classroom
>tell literal autistic friend who will be called Autist from here about it
>Autist thinks it’s funny and he wants me to tell my other friend who was currently friends with Polska and at one point dated her
>let's call him Big Mac
>hesitant at first but ended up telling Big Mac
>he loves the story too
>bro chat with Big Mac and Autist
>still remember her white and light green striped panties

Magical moment in my life where at least I learned I wasn’t gay, also stories thread