[8 / 3 / ?]
Holy shit, is anyone else's 4chan running really slow? 4chan X completely broke. Regular site is loading slow. Not my internet, have 4 bars and I am streaming music on top of that. The fuck is going on, Jap moot?
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>>4257628 Upgrade to the Comcast Luxury Package
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4chan only runs slow when the FBI is on. So...you might be getting tapped into bro.
>>4257628 >4chan x why do u use this
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:yUWzxywc Thu 01 Mar 2018 21:40:46 No. 4257666 Report Quoted By:
Looks like it's just my internet being fucking autistic. Lost a bar. Disregard bread.
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took its sweet time
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>>4257655 bant is unusable without 4chanX filter desu
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Tnt1i7e0 Thu 01 Mar 2018 21:57:04 No. 4257833 Report Quoted By:
>tfw looking at outage map >state is clear >except for a dot >which is some fucking how right over my smol rural semi coastal town Lmao fuck my shit up senpai. I was going for quads too.