>>4273577you sure you want this ??? ?3 threads per anon you see. back when it was 5 anons could just say hatever and post whenever i could create 4 cirno threads and hold it to my heart knowing i could always make a 5th thread agianst cirno but now times arent as easy you see now we live in a world where women must travel 500 miles with a bucket of water over there thread and those veyr women laugh at us on //bant/ beucase we can only make 3 threads. is it humiliating? yes but do i take pride in those 3 threads? yes. so before you bump think will i be proud of my post, nmy thread, my /bant/ my 4chan. IS THIS THE SITE i want my kids growing up in.... once you have aksed yourslef this a tear may come to your eye and yu look to the stars and say.... yes