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ID:i794w+PM No.4277590 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me, 22 years old
>work at pet training place
>have to teach animals how to behave, mostly dogs come in, sometimes the occasional cat.
>one day woman comes in holding baby cow.
>ask why
>says she wants us to train it
>go back and ask boss what to do, boss says to tell her we can't train it
>do it
>woman yells at me, saying we should be good at our job.
>ignore and just ask her to leave
>she does
>about a week later, come into work. boss is sobbing at desk.
>ask him what's wrong
>"I found out there's asbestos in the building. The company that built it was too cheap to remove it, so they have to demolish the building. We'll all be out of a job."
>demolition is in a month.
>come to watch demolition.
>while walking see woman from before, holding can open can of chef boyardee
>walk up to her and ask why she has it
>tells me it's veal beans. made from the baby cow
>notice she's walking toward the demolition site
>turns out she wants to see the building be destroyed because she hates it that much
>walk up to edge of demolition site
>about to break down the building, woman says she sees a dog in there
>tell her there isn't
>she doesn't believe me, tries to run in just before the building goes down
>grab her by the arm, stopping her from running, but she drops the can and rolls into the building
>dust settles, see the can on the ground
>beans still whole, so is can
>mfw pet school can't split veal beans.