i like pcp, ketamine. opioid, i lose too much money. opioid, yes, it is a nice feeling, but it is always "not enough..." and eventually, you WILL overdose, if you continue. not your fault. dirty street opioid is always cutting, and the preparation isn't consistent. sometimes it is cutting with chemical X, sometimes chemical Y... sometimes there is even "hot spot", which can occur many ways, but to see how simply this occurs, put any two visually distinct molecules in a container, and gently shake it. you will see the molecules separate. opioid leads the user down a path that makes people around you very upset, and yourself, apathetic until you are dead. if you really crave a narcotic feeling, i recommend using ketamine once a week. it is great for keeping those feelings at bay, and has a beneficial effect for days after the dose and immediate effect have left you. there is a lot of research to back this up.
anyway, sorry for rambling. i strongly believe to not use opioid unless you are in severe pain.