>>4282805Swedebro, you need to recognize that you've been subliminally brainwashed. This is not your natural state, you come from a line of thousands of men and were born to be a man and one day follow in their footsteps. You need to reject the conditioning and reconnect with your masculinity. To realize your manhood, you must abandon the internet, cease masturbation, and actively avoid anyone that will try to enable your mental illness with the worst of intentions.
To ensure success, you must climb the three pillars. You must spend as much time /out/side possible to reconnect with the nature that's been taken from you, you must strive to achieve physical /fit/ness to the best of your ability to purify yourself of the decadent civility, and you must read the /lit/erature written by wise men before your birth, beginning with a translation of the Greek classics to understand the true nature of man. I don't want you to become a statistic anon, I love you, as you are. Don't change yourself into something you're not because they've convinced you you must become that thing, change yourself because you want to improve, become better, and take on the mantle of your ancestors, and forge a future for your descendants.
Talk to your parents, they will understand, and if they love you, they will help you through this. Don't look back with regret. Channel your inner turmoil into excellence, and ascend to become the man you were always meant to be.