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File: Osaka 42.gif (31 KB, 400x291)
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Anonymous (ID: 85bizfYq) 03/06/18(Tue)16:12:55 No.4310391▶>>4310396 >>4310402 >>4310415
daily chuck norrise fatc###91
>cuhck norris ojk;590fjmka three birds with one stonebht0rd9=43maklfja
tune in tomorrow for the next exciting chuck norris fact̫͈̜͍̠̟
Anonymous (ID: 3eu5siww) 03/06/18(Tue)16:13:54 No.4310396▶
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>>4310391 (OP)
these get more interesting each day
Anonymous (ID: lbvzX1Px) 03/06/18(Tue)16:14:25 No.4310402▶
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>>4310391 (OP)
I think Chuck Norris fact poster broke again
Anonymous (ID: ARmfWW3F) 03/06/18(Tue)16:15:59 No.4310415▶
>>4310391 (OP)
very informative
chuck nor͕͓̘̩̣̰͍̣̟͚ͅris