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ID:/kdEqwpg No.4325278 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dear European whites. And I specify "whites," because, whatever you say about le 56%, you're on the same

path, except you're disarmed. You have no recourse. Do you really think you're getting your women un-raped, or

your country un-Islamized, by dogpiling on other whites who are being subjected to the same thing that's making

your people into a Smithsonian exhibit 20 years from now? There's a reason the 56% thing exists, and it's the

same reason your countries are turning into rape-a-paloozas, why London has a Muslim mayor, why Germany's

chancellor keeps letting in thousands of jihadis, etc. You think you're somehow winning with this? You fucking

dolts, you're all equally as fucked as any of us, and instead of weeding out the root cause, you turn on your OWN.

My fiancee was right when she said not all whites deserve to live. You're WORSE than race traitors and

coalburners, you know the TRUTH and use it to do what? Wage bizarro pissing contests to see who's the most

cucked? Laugh at one another while your entire race across the world slides into oblivion? Good job, you're really

"redpilled," except you're too chickenshit to organize and rise up as a people to preserve yourselves, and feel safer

taking potshots at each other than deconstructing the ZOG you bemoan here 24/7. 56% here should alarm you,

not tickle you. We're at this point WITH firearms. Where do you see yourselves in a few decades without them? The

time for fratricide and subverting ourselves was over a long time ago. Now it's too late.