Boards as they appear in order by row, for ease of access:
Row 1:
Refuge (Random), Baseball, Football, Mahjong, Horseracing, Cats, Animals, Plants, Insects, Aqua
Row 2:
Cuisine, Sweetness, Ramen, Vehicles, Two-wheels, Bicycles, Photography, Technology, Trains
Row 3:
Kancolle, Moai (International/Culture), Fortune, Fashion, Travel, Parenting, Webm, Yeah (Shitposting), Sony, Net Characters, Nari Kiri (roleplaying/avatarfagging), Sketching, Painting
Row 4:
Crossdressing, Bara, Yuri, Yaoi, 2D Guro, 2D Guro Random (home to nip version of fluffies), Promotion, /up/ (uploaded media), /up/ Small (same thing), Homebrew PC, Special Effects
Row 5:
Mech, Movies, Toy, Models, Models Random, Models Random 2, Figures, 3DCG, Politics, Economy, Celebrities, Korean Economy
Row 6:
Military, Military Random, Mathematics, Flash, Wallpaper, Wallpaper 2, Touhou (oh boy), Touhou Random, Drawing, Graffiti, Graffiti Random
Row 7: Random BBS, Filesharing, Picture Sharing, Picture sharing ID (?), Newsstand, Power Generation, Earthquake, Chat (Serious talk), Board Proposal, IPv6 (random shitposting/4chan colony), Layout (? off-topic), Connection Test, Thread reporting, Rules