>>446461"In the Power of the Names EH-HEH-YEH, YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM, & YEH-HO-
VO-AH-VAY-DAH-AHS I place this Invocation with Thee, NEE-TEE-KAH,
Genius of Wealth. Know that I require and command Thee to bring to USERID 8DunY2dL
gold. Thou has dominion over wealth and Thou shalt begin this very
instant to shape the future such that money shall come to him, enough
and to spare, by the powers of these Words
and Invocation. Be Thou ruled by me the Names SHAH-DYE-ELL-KYE &
AH-DOE-NYE-HA-AH-RETZ. So mote it be."