Devil's advocate: It's pretty fucking cruel to ask another person to be alive if they no longer want to be. Likely if a person is suicidal, they are also failing, or falling behind at life, and so they have already been ostracized to a large degree.
This wouldn't be so bad, except there is a momentum to human love and human cruelty, where the loved are given more love and the hated more hatred. So, if you're suicidal, you're life likely is pretty terrible, but instead of anyone having any empathy, they dig the fuck in and try to be even more cruel to you. Unless of course, you choose to parade out the suicide word, then everyone backs off so they aren't a monster. But they won't be there for you, they are just saying whatever they can to get as far away from you as possible.
And so, if you are suicidal you're basically shelved. Unwanted at best, or openly loathed and derided at worst. But if you try to escape, well then just think about the people you hurt. Not that they had any need for you while you were alive, only that it would hurt *them* if you ended it. Because that's what's it's really about. It's giving up what you would prefer, to keep other's from feeling sad.
Anyone saying don't end it. Let me ask you this: what have you done, if anything, to make life worth living for other people? What's your day to day treatment of the visibly unhappy. I'm sure it's terrible. Maybe you have a special day, where you wear a special pin, and then you pat yourself on the back. But day in, day out--the fucking grind that I desperately want to get away from--you do nothing. Absolutely nothing to make life more pleasant. You don't give a shit, other than you don't want to feel sad or look like a monster personally. It's the worst, just the absolute worst feeling. If you could visit the inside of my head, you would immediately agree with me, and realize that death is the most humane choice you could offer.