>>4406579Not true. The only board that has an irrational dislike of /bant/ from that bloc is /qa/, and even then /qa/ is more tsundre towards /bant/ than actual hate. /jp/ loves that /bant/ is making new material using its old content and so does /c/. They're just leery whenever /bant/ has a meltdown and is overrun by shitposters, as due to their tight moderation they are not used to seeing a board being under siege by people who don't share its general opinions.
/a/... Well, /a/ doesn't so much hate /bant/ as it threw out all the parts that would like /bant/ to begin with due to nazi moderation, most which fled to /bant/. The end result is that /bant/ IS /a/ in a way, and this is represented in just about every activity /bant/ does from board raids to 4craft to posting style, everywhere in its ranks are ex-f/a/gs and f/a/gs undercover. /bant/ keeps some of /a/'s old culture that would otherwise have nowhere else to go alive.