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There have been numerous undisputable masterpieces in K-pop, such as the strikingly cheerful classic SNSD or its hip counterpart 4minute. Twice will not join their ranks; its surface is too generic, its presentation too provocative and its messages too obscure. Its take on the abysmal is an illumination in one person’s despair, but a paroxysm of another’s perversion. It will remain underground – treasured by the most avant-garde among intellectuals for its edifying if horrifying insight into the fundaments of human morality. Philistines and self-proclaimed critics alike will shun Twice, but you can’t fault them for that. It takes wisdom to appreciate its subtleties, and courage to side with the unpopular opinion. Kommt Ihr vor den Feind, so wird er geschlagen, Pardon wird nicht gegeben; Gefangene nicht gemacht.
Superficially, Twice appears to be a group which caters to the most proletarian among men; aloof critics dismiss it as such often without a second thought. As complacent as these self-proclaimed "non-nugu listeners" are, they fail to realize that Twice is a cult classic, a chef d'oeuvrea buried under false preconceptions and unfounded criticism. This gem is hidden because it does not shine; it is buried because its tone is that of abyssal black. Twice pries into to the darkest corners of our subconscious, the most visceral of our cognition, the most carnal of our urges, and the most primal of our instincts.
As brilliantly put by Adolf Hitler, "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer"; to describe the artistic qualia of Twice would be to describe music to the deaf, color to the blind or beauty to the philistine. The music speaks for itself, and it is up to the listener to fully absorb its depth. Its sublimity will ever be debated yet always remain objectively irrefutable; the fundamental insight it provides into human and perhaps animalistic nature may shape the basis of K-pop for centuries to come.