>>4434799The issue with reducing the bump limit and removing thread deletion (what happened to /qa/) is that while it will cause threads to die faster, that just means that instead of a month threads will last half a week and instead of being sightly will litter the eyes of people not on the catalog with lines of contentless replies, while making threads autosage in a day end up killing threads that really do deserve to last a day like the drawthreads and 3D printe rwhere such things take an extended time to do. Only mods that care enough to police /bant/ are either biased like Cirnomod or heavy-handed and tempermental like ABIB.
We might be arguing over nothing though, since according to Belgum, Pepsi is dead for real and the resulting bump fest of today was in response to the slowjakfags to deny them a victory. Give it a week and hopefully thread prolonging will have been heavily reduced.
I think that a faster board would be a real solution though, both to this and OP's issue since barring forced attempts be b/tards the frogs were a non issue since their shitposts slid off the board faster than they could notice to bump them, while Cirno threads were moving at rates of 15 posts and hour instead of one and though they were plentiful, all of them had something to say, and only tow of them were over a day old.
What I'm saying is that /bant/ needs is new users to interact with the old so instead of repeating themselves the old can make new!