Will there ever be a game to come close to the sheer perfection (and I do not use that word loosely) that is Terraria?
>Better designed 'open world' than actual open world games.
Other open world games apparently do not know how to balance them. Every area they create is around the same difficulty level in case some casual wanders off to somewhere and gets killed and then cries about it being unfair.
Terraria does not do this. From the moment you spawn into the world, you can go almost anywhere. Will you probably die going to those places unprepared? Sure, but the option is there and each area has its own difficulty level.
>Each area has unique items, enemies and hazards
Self explanatory but important non the less. I'm getting real sick of games having dog shit enemy rosters filled with copy pasted recoloured enemies. Terraria has a plethora of enemies in each and every area. I dear say Terraria's enemy variety is one of the best of all time.
>Enhanced difficulty mode done correctly.
For one, we have expert mode, a mode which goes the usual lazy route of "enemies do more damage and have more HP!", but unlike other games this game actively gives enemies new attacks and enhanced AI.
>Hard mode
Imagine if all games did this. Imagine if you thought you beat a game, imagine if you thought you had scoured the land and done everything, enemies were too weak now, you're fighting the 'final boss' and then after you killed him every enemy in the game got replaced by NEW more difficult enemies, new items to find, new bosses, new biomes.
This mode alone is pure genius.
This is a modern day masterpiece. This is art in video game form.
If you could only play 5 games for the rest of your life and Terraria wasn't on it, then you should just kill yourself honestly.