>>4439706>FFS, and I thought american education was badFirst off, do you legitimately understand what you're citing right there?
Coproducts have nothing to do with basic economics/math, they are a way to describe multiplication in addition form across a topological (read: deformed space) space with matricies.
Secondly, no, by your logic, you cannot gain back $100,000 from anything, since you only can subtract from lost transaction. You'd only be adding 0 onto your imaginary debt that doesn't exist.
Thirdly, why do you think you'd need to make such a complex basis for the answer to your question if it's 4TH GRADE MATH, AKA:
>STOP OVERTHINKING ITFourthly, explain what thoust mean by the additive transactions when there's only two total, the stealing of the $100, and the exchange of said $100 for $70 in goods and $30 in cash.
>If necessary I'll lay it out in a collumn problem so you get it.