>>4510480Tsuki ga Kirei/as the moon, so beautiful.
i recommend this for reals and a good ending.
for unique romance not seen in other animes
Oda Nobuna no Yabou
kimi no wa is fucking amazing but save for later
tamako market then movie is great but the guy isnt the main focus until parts of the movie
definitely an outlier. the girl is mc.
clockwork planet. mc is op but i suppose it could be explained by the worlds history (natural selection) save for later
haha dont watch this is you cant take feels
Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka
one punch man has a good feel to it. op being op is part of plot instead of a device kinda
The Familiar of Zero
the guy who created this died after end of production. literally his last work
no game no life. may seem silly but it is engaging
konasuba is funny as fuck
dont watch golden time if you cant take feels
i cant really think of one besides konasuba really