>>4531837Loli thread, a staple of /b/ and the only board that allows loli
>>4531720>Random Image ThreadTitle says it all, who needs originality when we can just rehash YLYL threads?
>>4527779Gay ERP akin to all Fur and Waifu threads
>>4531937A second loli thread
>>4531899lol so randumb. Bad shitposts and foisting ill thought out "OC"
>>4527110>>4529165>>4530295>>4506640>>4519143>>4512065>>4524788Senseless spam akin to log posting
>>4512065Blog posting, reminder that /soc/ was made because of /b/log posting and faces of /b/ threads
>>4531410This is technically /r9k/ but /r9k/ was made to help foster OC from tired and jaded /b/ users
>>4530470Waifu posting to the degree of futility. What is the point?
Now I'm sure you believe "Oh hey, this is just /bant/ culture lole."
And that's not entire wrong, but you are admitting that /bant/ culture is more closely related to /b/ culture.
And with that random downtime a lot of refugees came, and guess what? A lot of them were from /b/.
And they realize /bant/ is a better /b/. So they stayed.