>>453550Find idle women and start chit-chatting to them. Make sure they smile at you first, don't just tap them on the shoulder you fucking creep.
Don't even think about getting a girlfriend, at this point you're just learning how to emerge from years and years of 4chan antisociality.
Eventually as you start to get them to laugh or get them to stare at you transfixed when you express your opinions and wisdom on the world, then you can start asking for their number.
>this takes months to get to>I don't ask for numbers, I ask them to attend something: a movie, a travelling museum exhibition, a book store that has the author they like... then the phonenumber becomes a side effect not the intention. >Also you don't have to ask for a date, you have oneMonths from now when you've finally managed to trick one of these girls to seeing the Tapestries of Medievil France with you, after it's over go for a drink, keep talking and keep drinking, change bars until you find a subdued booth and make out...
If you can't work out the rest from here, you'll never have a girlfriend ever.