yeah, this might be my last post in /bant/. good riddance, i guess, since the whiny, angry, attentionwhoring and slightly rude halfblood nipflag who voices his complaints about modern politics and society in general, then annoyingly asks people if they remember him and preaches his nihlistic, fundamental centrist view of the world in purple prose in a Vanuatuan basketweaving board is finally gone. i’ve already started quitting this at least 4 days ago, but i came here because i felt a disturbance in the force... whih was a fluke. i just wanted to check up, and yeah, there really is nothing of immediate value in here. i might be back to only make 1 post or so, but until then, im quitting. i’ve got things to do, since by some form of miracle, i’m not a NEET! bye!