[13 / 4 / ?]
Alright you autistic cunts here's some feels and some rage for you.
>be me
>2018 starts off with two family members dying
>not close enough to hurtbut close enough for funeral attendance
>ff 2 weeks
>mother in laws cancer comes out of remission
>tumour around aorta
>surgery to fix etc radiation and chemo
>all is well
>my mum gets sick weeks later
>leukaemia and NHL wreaking havoc
>spleenectomy and tumour removal
>immune suppressed gets infection
>currently waiting on news
At the same time:
>get phone call
>dad just died
So I go to work to take my mind off everything, Mrs and I just going one day at a time, work in a cunt suburb full of africunts and islanders.
(live in a comfy upper class suburb though, work sent me to cunt place to fix w/e)
Africans are so fucking dumb and disrespectful they trash the store, damage merchandise and stink the place up. Islanders are just as bad but with some form of comprehension.
>africunt comes in
>can't figure out how eftpos works
>trying to explain
>"is broken"
>no it isn't
>goes on for a while like this
>I get fed up
>start having a go at nignog
>nignog literally has no idea how to human
>fat white sjw cunt reports me to corporate
>thank fuck no social media involved
>have a sit down with regional director soon
>won't get fired but probably moved to another Shit hole
>gas the kikes race war now
How's your 2018 going?
>be me
>2018 starts off with two family members dying
>not close enough to hurtbut close enough for funeral attendance
>ff 2 weeks
>mother in laws cancer comes out of remission
>tumour around aorta
>surgery to fix etc radiation and chemo
>all is well
>my mum gets sick weeks later
>leukaemia and NHL wreaking havoc
>spleenectomy and tumour removal
>immune suppressed gets infection
>currently waiting on news
At the same time:
>get phone call
>dad just died
So I go to work to take my mind off everything, Mrs and I just going one day at a time, work in a cunt suburb full of africunts and islanders.
(live in a comfy upper class suburb though, work sent me to cunt place to fix w/e)
Africans are so fucking dumb and disrespectful they trash the store, damage merchandise and stink the place up. Islanders are just as bad but with some form of comprehension.
>africunt comes in
>can't figure out how eftpos works
>trying to explain
>"is broken"
>no it isn't
>goes on for a while like this
>I get fed up
>start having a go at nignog
>nignog literally has no idea how to human
>fat white sjw cunt reports me to corporate
>thank fuck no social media involved
>have a sit down with regional director soon
>won't get fired but probably moved to another Shit hole
>gas the kikes race war now
How's your 2018 going?