>>4657523I'm gonna break down, line by line, why this is nonsense
>I didn't say it has no value. I'm effectively saying the value has diminished almost entirely.You said all colleges are infected by communism, and that they're "a good indication of how brainwashed someone is" So either you find some value in communist brainwashing, or you implied that it's valueless.
>I implied that STEM has value by saying how """problematic""" it is that even STEM is now being (((infected))).All STEM education is done through colleges, so you never really present a clear distinction between these programs and the rampant communist brainwashing you otherwise allege. Also you've added in "SJW's" as the problem here but that's, you know, an entirely separate ideological system than communism.
> LSAT matters. This country runs on laws.LSAT matters exclusively for admission to law school, anything beyond that is projected meaning. Also, lawyers don't make laws, Legislators do. Legislators who on the aggregate did not take the LSAT.
>Who would you want as your lawyer? The better question is, why do you think my lawyer's LSAT scores would matter when anyone practicing law has to take a standardized bar exam?
>Affirmative Action and quotas destroy the field of merit by pushing out higher scores in favor of mediocre scores,Using this logic, anything beyond the scores themselves "destroys the field of merit". Many factors are weighed in the selection of a candidate including extra curriculars, writing samples, recommendations, and a litany of other possible application materials. Yet the only one you take umbrage with is race, wonder why.
>and it also does an enormous disservice to the fewer minorities who did get top scores legitimately.HOW. A net benefit across a racial group only benefits those students who excel more.