I started smoking when I was 7. back then you could buy 15 packs and I went through one of these every few days. By the time I was 14 I was up to a pack+ a day and then by my 20's I was smoking 2+ packs a day, 3-4 if drinking or working long hours. For 20 years I had my first smoke lit before actually getting out of bed.
I quit last year at age 40, cold turkey, I threw all of my shit out. I had just bought 4 cartons, it was a huge waste of money. I didn't even try to return them because I had made a decision and wanted to get on with it.
I have not smoked any tobacco since, nor do I want to. I don't vape, chew, anything.
I did two things: I told somebody I have no respect for that I would never smoke again. I would literally rather die then give him the satisfaction of failing at anything. Spite is a powerful tool, extremely. It can pull you through all kinds of ordeals. I'm not kidding.
The other thing that did it for me was just being free of the logistics of smoking. No more count down until you have to go find a store, both hands perfectly free at all times, extra money (I was spending about $600 a month on smokes/cigars).
There are positives to quitting, immediate positives. So I just focused on those, and learned to appreciate them. Like no more ashtrays.
And you start to recover quick. I got a flu about 6 months after quitting, and instead of the usual week+ of extreme chest issues, I was ok in a few days.
And I'm an idiot, like an actual idiot, I called in stupid to work one day because I put both of my legs in the same pantleg and put my face through a table. Stone sober.
If I can quit, you can quit. Literally just decide that you want to, and then do it.
You will have to quit some day, might as well be on your own terms.