>>4711603>>4711603True Pollacks know that there are non-whites in all of our countries. We are here to assemble as the last whites on Earth in a fraternal brotherhood of Truth, Reason, and Unbridled Fury.
If anyone here claims that other posters are not white merely because of their flag, they are probably not white themselves.
All of this started because Swedish flags were so cucked that it simply made more sense to view them as the sand niggers who invaded Sweden, then the actual native Swedes themselves.
If you want to accuse a poster of not being white because of the content of his shitpost, then by all means, do so, but to insist that someone cannot possibly be white because of their flag is the workings of either insecure mudbloods or full blown kikes who come here with disruptive intentions, and it should be ignored.
As far as I'm concerned, if any two shitposters are found arguing with each other over which one of them is truly white, I shall be confident to ascertain that neither of them are white.