>>4730694There is a question I See time and time again from frogposters. "Why do you hate us so much?" They point out all the other shit that gets posted on the internet when they can't understand why, of all the grinning yellowfaces, anime and cirnos, they're the most hated thing on 4chan. Well, I'm here to tell you what you have is an image macro. Just like rage face or wojak. But you couldn't just have a normal image macro, oh no. You had to make it a "lifestyle". You had to build your entire life around a retarded image macro. Then you took it a step further - you wanted to be able to show off your meme lifestyle, to rub it in everyone's faces then you expected them to smile. You dress up like a fucking furry and you expected people to be proud? Then you whine like nothing else when people tell you how retarded it is, cry "quit treating us like niggers REEEEEEEE" like you're some oppressed fucking minority. You know what rage face posters do? They keep it to their fucking selves. There's MILLIONS of them. And they're quite about it, stay in their own little communities to talk about it and don't grind it in everyone else's face. They KNOW what they like is weird, they fucking deal with it like normal people.
THAT is why we hate you. You've got this retarded meme and you insist on cramming it down everyone else's throat DEMANDING that they treat yu nicely when you said that a comic book character is an Egyptian god. You act like you've got some grand right not to have the piss taken out of you no matter how stupid what you're doing is. When a community tell you it doesn't want you there you don't realise it's not YOUR community and not your business. You try and FORCE them to tolerate you, you stay no matter how many people hate you and just shove your shit in their faces harder. How could anyone NOT hate you?
So go ahead frogposter. Take a look in the mirror; tell me I'm wrong. Or grow some self-respect and keep your fucking fandom private like everyone else.