>>47804>>478079>'muh progressib ideology'And I expressed a progressive ideology where, exactly?
You seem to be assuming a lot about me and outright ignoring the fact that I said I wanted to build the fucking wall in my first post. Furthermore, our economic and domestic policies have always been utter shit, and I don't know how delusional you have to be to think that government involvement in our economy is a good thing. Taxing corporations out the ass is not a good thing. Increasing regulations on them just so they can bend them in their favor again is not a good thing.
Also, where the fuck do you get the idea that not wanting a strong federal government means I 'don't believe in borders'? That is completely fucking asinine on an entire different level. The only things our government is meant to do is control the flow of people coming into our country, keep a standing army to protect our country and it's interests aborad, and build roads. That's fucking it. It is not there to protect your or anyone elses fee-fees or """morals""", it is not there to control society and it never has been. You're creating a nonexistent country based off of times that you've idealized and idolized, despite never having lived in them and never having experienced them.
tldr; You're retarded, you are a defeatist cuckold who's willing to let other people run his life because 'm-muh goberndmend ibs subbosed to be sdrong!', and the fact that you have to imply and assume so much about me shows that you're not worth the time or effort it took to type this post.
Now fuck off to yuropoor land or some other shit tier country if you're not willing to actually do something about the impending ruin that only you and your retarded buddies see, faggot.