>>47847For those who don't study Japanese literature, a big topic is just how legit Tale of Genji was because if everything that happened in Tale of Genji was real, some Serious Cuckolding did occur in the Royal Family, so like we can't even be sure if the current emperor really is descended from the original founder.
Same shit happened in England's royal family which refuses to do and make public a public royal genealogy tree because if someone in line for the throne turns out to have an ancestor that engaged in cuckolding, his or her inheritance rights come into question.
So yeah, just some food for thought.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention one thing, you need all 3 sacred treasures of Japan to claim legitamcy to the Japanese Throne.
To this day, no one can confirm if Japan is still in possession of the 3 sacred treasures because an ancient Japanese crown prince lost the civil war/blood feud to be the next Emperor of Japan and he was so burthurt, he threw like 2 treasures into the ocean.
Apparently, only one treasure could be recovered but Japan claims both treasures were recovered.
No one can confirm though because the treasures aren't for public display.
Kinda makes you want to go treasure hunting, huh?