I want everyone on /bant/ to listen to the entirety of this. It's simply art, and I don't think I have to explain why, but I will anyways. You look at this post, and you immediately start thinking, "wow, the absolute madman," but it is truly a disservice to this thread to sum it up with such a short post. These 41 minutes allow you to look into the mind of an observer, what is he observing, you may ask? A thread, on r/banter, of course. You are observing an observer, but you are also observing yourself, since this is exactly what we all do, is it not? We go into threads, we read them, we react to those threads, and we move on. I would like to say that this is the genius behind this post, but I can't simply put it into words.
I understand that some of you may enter this thread, and not understand the deeper meaning behind it, and that is understandable. But I'd like for all of you to at least try to look at this thread and to understand it, as doing so will allow you to appreciate posts on r/banter, and your life as a whole, much, much more.