>>4826282>1/4 Japanese and 1/4 German and 1/2 AmericanAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Tbh, I have lost my will to care at this point.
Let's be honest for a second here, even if the nigs and "jooz" bring down Europe,
then China will very likely still develop genetic technology.
With coming automation human labour and life becomes more and more pointless.
Once enough people drop out of the market for labour and thus resources,
and once the populace of the affected regions realizes, that the only reason a
Government/King/Dictator/Etc. ever treated them well was due to their power
being dependent upon the people's well-being, people will grow pissed.
In any case, no matter what "the people" do, it doesn't matter, as entering a technocracy is extremely likely.
Oh, and did I forget to mention that the genetic technologies will make race what the left has claimed it was before the advent thereof?
Yes, we may be right about race and its implication,
but at this point civilizational technology and """progress""" for """humanity"""" is pretty much
as hard to shut down as the internt.
And once the genetic tech gets far enough, race will become nothing more than an aesthetic consideration.
We will all be laughed at, retrospectively, at least by those who remain, because
once a large number of humans become expendable, then there is no more reason to
not expect there to be a brutal race to the top of the hierarchy and
to grasp control of the technologies and controls.
Human "life" will become wirthless.
On the level of cattle 99% of "people" will stand.
Actually, scratch that, cattle can at least be eaten, human flesh contains
effective hormones.
Yep, it will all be nothing but a primitivism to be human at that point.
And perhaps """humanity""" will entirely replace itself.
We are like two car engineers talking about optimizing oil-driven motors, right before
some other faggot invents the needed battery technology for the old
motor style to become entirely useless in 99% of cases.