>Be Sargoy of Cuckaad
>Go on Andy (Race)Warski livestream with Richard (controlled opposition) Spencer
>Spencer immediately destroys Sargon
>"Sargoy thinks he's smarter than what he really is"
>"Sargoy's autistic"
>"What color is Lawrence Fishburne?"
>Sargoy cracks- "Don't answer that question, it's a loaded question"
>Sargoy argues in bad faith with straw man arguments, disingenous statements, putting words into Spencers mouth and actively lying about what Spencer said.
>Murdoch Murdoch uploads a video starring Sargoy making fun of Sargons autism
>This breaks Sargoy completely, to the point he has an existential crisis
>Sargoy declares he is no longer a "youtube skeptic"
>Sargoy invents a new political party "liberalist"
>Sargoy goes full retard and has a nobody Jr. skeptic (Louis Le Vaux) bait Metokur into a livestream, this is Le Vaux's test of manhood, to get his wings- so to speak, to become a full youtube skeptic.
>Metokur has no idea who Louis Le Vaux is but agrees to chat with him in his live stream
>Sargon is seen as soon as Mr Metokur enters the livestream in telling Louis Le Vaux what to say to Metokur
>Metokur calls out Sargoy and tells him to be a fucking man and get in the livestream and stop using the nobody as a puppet
>Sargon enters the livestream acting like he has no idea what Metokur is talking about
>After some back and forth Metokur figures out what is happening, when Sargoy asks him about personal stuff/videos Metokur has been doing
>Metokur asks Sargon straight up if he has had people watching him
>Sargon admits it, and says he may have some information that he can release to the internet that Metokur may not want (Doxx on Metokur) through thinly veiled threats
>After Metokur leaves, Sargoy is heard patting himself on the back with the nobody (le vaux) openly sucking his dick and calling metokur a coward for not being autistic.
This shit is hilarious. Please continue.