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ID:ZnRcuV1+ No.4834290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be animeposter
>60 year old mom forces you to take out the trash
>Walk outside
>Get sunburnt because you haven't stepped out of your cave in which you swim in your own filth
>See a woman
>Get scared and roll back to your cave
>Fuck your homemade body pillow which is just a normal pillow with a smiley face with big eyes that you painted on it using your own shit, because you cant afford real paint
>Fuck it for three hours to forget about the scary women outside
>Reach out for toilet paper to clean your cum but you are so fat that you cant even reach your penis
>Decide to go on 4chan because you're still afraid of scary women outside
>See a new board called 'International/Random'
>It's too good for your liking
>Ruin the board with your fellow /a/ refugees
>Giggle like a little girl before falling asleep in your wooden chair that you took from the kitchen, because the previous one broke down under your weight