>>4837965>...If that's the case then all cancerous fanbases should be quarantined, not just the frogfags.
>...I was referring to users of the internet as a whole and how every fanbase has its obsessed outliers.
>...Correlation and Causation. Although Islamic and Arabic culture are heavily intertwined, they are both their own independent entities, sames goes for robots and their Pepes 'n Wojaks.
Robots are the ones who are ultimately fucked up in the head, they'd still be spreading their misery with or without the aforementioned characters.
Where do you draw the line on where mental illness is no longer acceptable?
Waifufags, Lolicons, Paedophiles, Autists, Homosexuals, Transvestites, Psychos, Obsessives, Furfags, et al. With all (un)due respect, these are all mentally ill individuals, why give some preferental treatment over others even though they all negatively impact the boards they reside in?
Should they all have enough self control of their faggotry to keep their discussion contained, would you be willing to accept them into a hypothetical board?
I should've listened when the bong warned me about participating in meta threads, I've got better things to spend my time on.