this story isn't really that unique, but whatever
>be 11, decade ago
>at friend's house, we're all pretty cancerous, we were in 4th or 5th grade
>cancerous as in we literaly had hay wars, and hay forts during recess
>anyway, at his house playing
>he has an older brother, only two years older
>btw pretty sure these kids would have turned out normal, but their mom is fucking batshit
>she gives them good boy points until like Sophomore year, and to this day genuinely thinks her kids believe in Santa
>anyway, older brother proposes some dumb challenge. I forgot what it was, I think it was about a game on the playstation
>reward was some form of t-bag (we did it before it was cool)
>but this was a new t-bag
>you had to go bare, dick in mouth t-bag
>sounded normal at the time
>I won, he takes me into garage alone
>not weirded out at all, I don't get weirded out by sexual things, been like that since I can remember. I was breastfed until 4, so quite a perv
>literally loved boobs, would grab the boobs of girls at the lake, but I was a kid so it was okay
>anyway, tried convincing him he didn't have to do it, I thought he was uncomfortable or something idk
>says he wants to own up to his word
>t-bag him, dick goes in his mouth
>pullout, and that was that
>never spoke of it again
Since highschool, he began acting a little effeminate, like he had a book about being a bad bitch, which is odd because he was always super nerdy, loved Germany during WWII but was also super leftist (still is, voted for Hillary). Pretty sure I was reverse raped or something, because I wasn't aware that he wanted it at the time, but I'm not traumatized by it or anything. To this day, he remains closeted, but we all know he's gay.