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ITT gay encounters

ID:aza/Ymma No.4863765 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>get to a train station
>the train is delayed for half an hour
>suddenly two asian guys appear
>sorry anon how to warsaw
>help them
>have a chat as you wait for the train
>an older man approaches
>he has a white bike
>oh mr anon you speak so beautiful english
>um, thank you sir
>he tells me that he needs a visa but hes to crappy in english to get it himself and he needs a translator
>i offer the help
>he asks for my number and assures me ill get paid
>call mom and tell her all the story
>she asks about the looks of that guy
>i describe him to her
>she says he is a well known local gay who has a thing for young boys
>tfw a 70yo gay guy hit up on me