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anon fails bad

ID:+2r0c+71 No.4880619 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>30 year old chad
>Grew up as complete autist ugger normie
>Always wanted trophie staceys
>Browsing interwebz on lonely night trolling posts
>Eyes grow wide seeing a Stacey trolling just as hard
>Skip forward….
>Stacey still trolls I always find them and join
>Hidden attraction.jpg
>Stacey goes for ultra mega chads
>Feel like normie comparing
>Grew courage, sheepishly speaks to dream 10
>Get close, play it cool autistically
>Enter friendzone
>Brainthought: need to see this dream waifu
>Content as a fagfriend
>Multiple attempts to enter same location
>Stacey gets injuries each time
>Playing cool
>Fag finally thinks he gets to see crippled stace
>Stacey drugged from crippling so went sleep
>Cockfag gets hit in feels when look like hes ignored
>Friendzone accusation possible now
>Tard goes full autistic butthurt
>Staceys anger level reaches 5000
>Argument turns to war of
>Immediate dismissal, chad back to normie
>Skip forward>
>See Stacey looking like on fb
>Message to mend friendzone
>Sounds bad all
>Phonecall occurs…
>Hears horrible story
>Starts talking about argument
>Hears words that where probably taken out of context and not even in same order but sounded like “I liked you”
>Heart pounding
>Cockfag tries to explain his autistic decisions
>Staceys power lvl 5000 again