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303KiB, 1540x1024, 150506-OE-Blog-UK-politics-becomes-European.jpg
I don't want to leave the EU
I'm sorry I never visited you guys much and never bothered learning any more German after school
In my defence it's so expensive living here that I spent all my time studying and working just to scrape by in my home city of London
I would like to apologise to any continental friends who have had to witness or endure any poor Brit behaviour whilst they were visiting your countries
If I had my way I would've been born in Sweden
Pls remember 48% of us want nothing to do with the stupid Brexit thing and we're not all stupid inselaffe
I'm sorry I never visited you guys much and never bothered learning any more German after school
In my defence it's so expensive living here that I spent all my time studying and working just to scrape by in my home city of London
I would like to apologise to any continental friends who have had to witness or endure any poor Brit behaviour whilst they were visiting your countries
If I had my way I would've been born in Sweden
Pls remember 48% of us want nothing to do with the stupid Brexit thing and we're not all stupid inselaffe