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No.4882282 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>At my place with friends
>Smoking some weed
>One of them is going to have a medical check in a few days and don't want to be found positive to marijuana
>He drinks some gin instead
>Let's call him Bob
>3 friends are stoned as hell, I'm quite high and Bob is quite drunk
>Go to a park
>Nobody's there
>We listen to music and say some stoned bullshit
>3 stoned bros go home
>I remain with Bob
>We've been friends for 5 years but we usually hang out only with other friends
>I don't want to go home, he neither
>"Have you ever seen Alan Watts videos?"
>"Let's see them"
>We spend 1 hour looking at existentialist videos
>I can see he's intrigued as much as I am
>He's drunk enough to tell everything he thinks but sober enough to say intelligent things
>I'm high enough to be amazed by every hypothesis of what life is, but sober enough to discuss them
>We end up talking till 3AM
>Me and Bob, alone in a park talking about the Universe, God, Atoms, Free Will, Reincarnation, Parallel Universe, Life, Consciousness
>Life is a dream, a play, the only possible way the universe could manifest itself
>We are just subjective points of view, we are fragments of the eternal universe, we are actors that God embodies to look at its creation
>We stand up
>Bob gotta go home
>He looks at me and smile
>I do the same
>"Bye anon"
>"Bye Bob"

Never felt so connected with a person, never been that happy to share everything there was in my mind.
Got home and hoped that everyone in the world might at some point of their life spend a night like this