>>4911617>>4911617ids to short fren
cherk mi song
sumbadi one tol me the wor wus gon role me
i ant the shapis fwog in the sheid
she wus wookin kin of dum with her fing an her nine wid a shaep of a birb on her fourhed
wel the trips start comin an dey don stop comin
fed with the ruls an i hit the thred limit
didn make sece not to lif for frens
ur brain gets smart but ur hed gets dum
so muc to do so much to c
so wuds wron wid takin the fron page
u never kno if u don post
u never get ban if u dont flod
ei fren ur a frog post git ur threds bump, go plei
ei fren ur a fwog bord git the webs oot, git gey
all dad gglidurs ids gits
only shootin fwogs brek the ruls