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ID:BDBKy749 No.4917561 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when the real fireworks will start. Within seconds the tarpaulins will be thrown back on a number of 40' flatbed trucks currently dispersed in classified locations, revealing the dull metal of the 37' Sunburn launch tubes within. While the hydraulic stabilizer jacks slam into the ground and the launch tubes elevate to the firing position, Russian artillery specialists will confirm the pre-programmed target coordinates, then defer to central command fire control, at the same time retaining unit "dead man" authority to fire on bypass if absolutely necessary.

Each Sunburn will hurtle out of its launcher riding on the white-hot tail of a booster rocket, while its special ramjet lights and cycles up to full thrust. Then rapidly sinking back to an undetectable cruising altitude of approximately 60 feet, each missile will accelerate to Mach 2.2 [1,520 mph] in less than 30 seconds, with a total flight time from Damascus to Tel Aviv of around three minutes. When the end finally comes for Israel, it will all be over in microseconds.