>>4925697goddamnit. I swore if I refreshed the 4chan main page again and this stupid picture came up I'd leave a comment.
I fucking hate this pose. It's shit. It looks like you're low-key trying to smell your armpit, which means you're wondering if you smell, which means you probably didn't apply deodorant, which means you're just some shit-tier kikejew who either can't afford basic hygiene products, or worse - you don't even know what products are involved in basic hygiene. mcfucking kill yourself you fucking cuntbarge.
...but other than that, carry on.
OH FUCK. I just realized there's a fucking little portable fan at the corner like the bitch is airing her armpits what the fucking fuck this pose should be banned by the UN and all members should ratify that as the first global rule to follow. any country that's not a member and wants to join the UN must adopt this law for their own countries and any member that doesn't follow will be kicked out of the UN and will have harsh sanctions imposed by ALL current members of the UN. fucking shit.