>>4936894Communism is stateless, classless, and currencyless. The wealth and resources that God has blessed us with on this Earth would be used for the benefit of society, not competed over for profits and destroying them for petty political reasons.
>StatelessThe state is supposed to be a temporary tool to help us achieve communism and establish democracy. A democracy to choose what to believe in, a democracy to not worry about not being to afford shelter and bread, a democracy that lets you choose whatever profession and hobbies you wish to do, so on and so forth.
The state withers away once all the imperialist powers are defeated and everyone has been guaranteed jobs and social needs, and that gives people a lot of free time to worship God and thank Him for making it so beautiful.
>classlessPretty straightforward. God made us all equal, so no man is supposed to be considered more worthy than any other man. God is the only one above anyone.
>currencylessCurrency causes greed, and greed kills men and faith. Without currency, the resources aren’t divided up to those who have the most amount of green paper, it is up to the people to create the resources into beneficial inventions with the intelligence God has gifted us.
The Soviet Union, despite being an atheist government, still had a majority of Christians and a minority of Muslims that they let freely practice their faith. They preserved their cultures while destroying genuinely harmful aspects of them for the greater good, and they made the European and Asian soviets feel equal for they indeed were equal.
Capitalism does nothing but create tensions between religions, cultures and races. It profits from these tensions, and it makes people worship the dollar instead of God.
>>4936895You’re spineless, man. It’s either socialism or barbarism.