>>4950360Lots of balding cunts from the 1990s cohort in bodybuilding. You'll notice most of them end up with "shaved" heads - its not by choice.
However pre 1990s, testosterone was not used widely, nandrolone was preferred as the major injectable steroid instead. One thing you can notice from arnold's era is a lack of acne, blood pressure and water retention (signalled by red/purple skin and moon faces) and hair loss.
A prominent sports doctor from that era, who treated anabolic steroid users and provided them prescription drug plans, commented that the only hair loss he ever saw in his patients came from men who had displayed the condition well prior to starting anabolic steroid use. Contrary to decades later when large doses of testosterone became common place and aggressive balding began in young men.
This isnt surprising - male pattern baldness is chiefly linked to high local 5-AR production in the follicle. Testosterone is readily converted by 5AR into DHT, a significantly stronger androgen that aggressively impacts the hair loss condition (note i said condition - it doesn't *cause* it. Body of evidence to date suggests the cause is genetic)
on the other hand, popular drugs in arnolds era were not metabolized by 5AR, or if they were, were converted to weaker androgens, such is the case with nandrolone.
if you look at the average steroid user on /fit/ today, they are commonly trying to fight gyno, show huge amounts of acne lesions on the skin, and oedema (water retention) despite low bodyfat. This is all due to the aggressive, high dose usage of testosterone esters.