>More Morality, Less Moralismhttp://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb60.htmt. Goebbels
It is time today to expose some of this nonsense that has accompanied the National Socialist revolution to the full light of day, to examine it without pity.
Certainly there is need for public regulation of the great moral foundations of our national life. However, some nonsense is also spreading that attempts to reach beyond that to establish a code for the purely personal conduct of individuals.
That leads eventually to a moralism that is everything other than National Socialist.
Peculiar people whose life is either behind them, or have no right to have one ahead of them, preach moralism in the name of our revolution. This moralism often has nothing in common with true morality. They proclaim ethical laws that might be appropriate for a nunnery, but are entirely out of place in a modern cultural state.
Save us from these hypocritical creatures who have no genuine strong conception of life, and who in reality preach no honest morality. They generally are life’s losers, protesting life itself. Eternal life and its laws will hardly make way for them; at most, they will hide behind a screen of contemptible hypocrisy and dishonest prudery.
To take joy and pleasure from a people means to make it unfit for its struggle for its daily bread.
We do not want to abolish pleasure, but rather to let as many as possible share in it. That is why we shake off the agents of a prudish hypocrisy, why we do not allow decent, hard-working people who have every reason to need relief from their hard daily labors, who need to reaffirm life, to recover from the weariness, cares, and burdens of every day, to have their necessary pleasures ruined by the eternal chicanery of these pedants.