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ID:FJ/6pPp7 No.4957093 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>be 34 years old
>have a car, wife and kids
>wage cuck but at least I’m 14 wording
>has had a steady job since early 20’s with plan to retire mid 50’s
>doctors tell me I’m going to live well past my 70’s
>i plan on living forever
>i’ve been microdosing lsd for the past few months now
>feel invincible, did 1000 push ups and sit ups the other day before eating three whole bowls of spaghetti
>family has noticed a difference
>i no longer drink half a 60 of rye every day and am up beat
>start macrodosing to ascend to ssj
>while driving to work i notice that I’m no longer in bat country
>the spaghetti i ate the other day comes alive and flows out my nostrils becoming the road I’m driving on
>its like floating on a cloud at very high speeds
>fly over edge
>wake up in hospital three months later
>turns out i drove off an interstate and crashed into a trucker, killing the driver
>also turns out he was a massive human trafficker who had 60 people in the back
>all mexican
>im heiled as a hero and my name is in the paper
>nobody ever finds out i was high as fuck on acid
>the doctor sat in with me after I’ve recovered some for about a month
>”well we had trouble finding your earlier blood tests so we’re going to have to take some new ones”
>he glances over at me with a smile
>i nod back
>he knows, i know what he did for me
>gets earlier pension, i am now able to retire at 45 and employer pays all medical expenses
>still have a bit of a fucked up leg though, nothing that some micro and macro doses won’t fix