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ID:DS+yfOWl No.4979518 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>parents die
>inherit a bunch of dumb shit
>auction it all off
>after fees and taxes have a little over $100K
>don't really need it right now because I'm actually a responsible adult and don't need a crutch
>plan on investing it all
>half into energy trusts, a fifth into bank loans, a fifth into real estate and a tenth into foreign IPOs
>ceteris paribus, annualized return will be $8,500
>Will make initial $100K back in 12 years
>Every 12 years afterwards will be another $100K
Tell me /bant/, why aren't you taking advantage of the death of your boomer parents? After all, they owe it you and if you are smart, you can quadruple the value of whatever luxury car, gold plated watches and stupid nicknacks are laying in their garage.