>>499385Dear Serbia
Why are you so shit?
What culture were you actually trying to protect from the Ottomans or Austrians?
Like, why did you forsake all the trade and technological advances that came from the aforementioned?
Why do you claim you were heroic in WW2 when the fact is, most of your ancestors were Četnik keks and Belgrade was the first major city to declare itself as Judenfrei?
Why did you break up universally respected and socially advanced Jugoslavia?
Why do you portray yourself as perpetual victims despite not being invaded by your neighbours for over 100 years?
Why did Nicola Tesla, the only Serb to have ever made any tangible contribution to humanity, renounce his citizenship and get the fuck out of there at the earliest opportunity?
Why couldn't you take Bosnia despite having the entire arsenal of the JNA behind you?
Why couldn't you take Sarajevo despite you having overwhelming military and tactical advantages and them only having home-made weaponry to defend themselves for three fucking years?
Why, despite grabbing all Jugoslav wealth, is Serbia a dysfunctional shithole which is unlikely to ever enter the EU?
Why did you kill Zoran Đinđić despite him being your only hope?
Why, despite having legitimate world stage players, is your football team ranked behind the likes of BiH, Senegal, Costa Rica and Algeria?
Why can't your football fans go literally one fucking match without making a complete and utter mockery of themselves?
To your credit, you can claim a few decent musicians like Balašević and EKV... but they loathed Serb nationalism and were deeply ashamed of the way Serbs acted in the period leading to the break up.
Serbia, you are really really shit in every regard. I wouldn't mind so much as most countries are quite shit to some degree. But you're so fucking proud of yourselves. More so than probably any other nation/state in the whole world.
I don't get it.
Why are you so shit?
Yours sincerely,
Fuck off.