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ID:/jbDee1F No.4997553 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me, couple years back
>go to grandpapas house for summer holidays, the usual
>nice place, has a pool
>couple days go by
>finishing dinner w/ family one evening
>we hear a ring on the doorbell
>grandpapa goes to get it
>fucking Mormons outside
>’would you like to spare a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ’
>a devellish grin spread across grandpapas face
>’of course, make yourselves at home’
>sits them down in living room in front of log fire
>he sits and discusses with them for close to two hours, acts as if he has genuine interest in becoming a Mormon
>they finally leave, after giving him loads of pamphlets, Mormon propaganda etc.
>he wishes them well as they leave
>beckons me over
>makes me watch as he tosses all of the shit the Mormons gave him into the fire
>laughs maniacally as it all burns

>tells me he does this every time they come

I guess you gotta find ways to entertain yourself when you’re old
>pic unrelated