I don't watch American cartoons for the same reason that I don't get my news from the Huffington Post or Buzzfeed.
I'm not into the whole "check your privilege"-type shit, nor do I believe that there are more genders than stars in the universe. I don't believe that white people listening to rap music constitutes a form of cultural appropriation any more than non-Japanese people using emoji would. I don't think that buying some coffee grown by a worker's cooperative in Chiapas will help the environment or the overall state of affairs in the world any more than buying some wine grown by some random big-name company in Chile or California.
I don't believe that spirituality is the new religion, or that everything can be solved by the means of breathing excercises and a bit of turmeric, ginger, garlic, and lemon juice.
I wouldn't describe myself as a "redpilled conservative" or anything of that sort. I don't believe that private property is a natural right, nor do I believe in absolute morality or any kind of religious belief, but I'm not a liberal. Contemporary America is, in many ways, an embodiment of the concept of hipocrisy, as well as the idolisation of otherness over the self.