>>5001247>>5001256same. what pissed me off most was that they shut this place down those 2 days. if they keep doing that shit, things will just get worse. i personally won't do anything, but there are some crazy fuckers out there who truly are at the end of their rope.
notice how quickly society and the jewnews jumped at blaming "incels" and "4chan" for the toronto v&fag attack. instead of trying to understand why that fucker did what he did, or looking into the hours leading up the attack, they just immediately villify the entire group of "white men who can't get laid and who thus hate women".
i bet the v&fag crushed mostly dudes, or crisis actors, since it's toronto.
>muslims run people over in france, sweden, germany, etc.>shitlibs immediately say not all muslims are like that>one pale-skin armenianigger LARPs as an "incel" reporting to "sgt 4chan" goes on a rampage>ALL INCELS ARE TERRORISTS SHUT DOWN THEIR FORUM NOW!!