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ID:K7N/yZwZ No.5004387 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>see what new games are coming out in 2018
>no big tits
>no loud main character that blows stuff up, all the characters are either mute, autistic or gay
>no half naked slutty women with big asses and tattoos
>no gore
>no fast cars
>no misogyny
>no skill
>some faggot puzzle game where you build bridges and shit
>some faggot dragon ball shit
>some faggot stealth war game where you snipe other faggots and shit with some faggot epic graphics that use some faggot revolutionary new faggot api
>some faggot Nintendo shit with some faggot controller
>some faggot battle royale shit
>some faggot story about a girl and her dragon